Game Review - Worms Armageddon

Just saying the words "turn based game" makes me think of a group of time wasters locked in a basement playing dungeons and dragons. Worms Armageddon is a turn based game like no other. In seconds you can start up the game and immediately be playing with your friends online or locally. This game thrives on simplicity and enjoyability. There is a great amount of content from randomly generated maps to explosive weaponry. This game taps into that addictive part of your brain in a funny and harmless way. The idea is simple, kill everyone else's worms and protect your own. This is easier said then done in a game where the weapons include a flying explosive sheep, an old granny packing a time bomb and a napalm airstike.

The single player missions are quite annoying to play through as the opposing computer players can be pixel perfect with the shots they take. The single player events need to be completed at some stage if you want to get the additional content such as aqua sheep. If your stuck on some mission, just go online. The Worms Armageddon community is still alive and kicking. You could probably also get a save file from someone online with everything unlocked but that just feels like cheating. You are certainly given enough content by default to happily play multiplayer without ever going near single player. Unlockable content such as low gravity and invisibility tend to ruin games with friends anyway so they are generally not used and disregarded.

It is an old game which requires weird ways of installing and running to work on new operating systems but as it's my favourite PC game and many others too, there is still a community of people to sort out the problems and bugs. There is still patches and updates being released for this game which just shows how hardcore the developers are about maintaining this ancient game. I have played it for a large portion of my life and I still do. I consider Worms Armageddon as the virus of instant happiness.

There are many other titles in the Worms series but sadly they went down the trail of 3D recently. This has not made the game as easy to play back when it was 2D. The graphics are now smooth and textured but the turn based gameplay felt a lot slower and too zoomed in. This was not as appealing as the classic retro feel of previous titles. The best 2D Worms title is Armageddon in my opinion as it still has the classic content and it is still in use. The upcoming Worms title, Worms: Reloaded, may replace Worms Armageddon in this respect. It is coming out on Steam, which makes it easy to use and install, but it is also returning to its classic 2D format. Only time will tell if it can be as legendary.

The intelligence of the computer opponents when playing multiplayer can also ruin a friendly game. Many times has the computer thrown a grenade halfway across the map only to have it land perfectly on top of my last worm and kill it instantly. It can be annoyingly good at the game or annoyingly bad, there doesn't seem to be a middle ground. Many times have I done something stupid and it completely ruins my chances at winning. Such as throwing a banana bomb or holy hand grenade only for it to hit a wall and come straight back at me. It is this randomness and chaos that only humans seem to be able to create which makes the game so enjoyable. For this reason, I would only recommend playing this game with friends either online or getting a group together locally.

Whether you girder yourself into a safe little corner or stay out in the open with a bazooka and a mini gun, you are sure to have a bucket load of fun. It is an extremely social game that is bound to have you in fits of laughter at the silly things you and your friends do. You can either wait for their next title, Worms: Reloaded, to be released or you can decide to pick up an old classic. Either way you are sure to enjoy yourself.

Accessibility: 4
Gameplay: 4.5


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