Game Review - Sniper: Ghost Warrior

So you are a military sniper in the jungle. You keep stealthy and complete your mission objectives with as little influence as possible. You predict people's actions and mark everyone's locations. This kind of gameplay means you know your environment and you know your weapon. In a lot of respects it reminds me of sports such as rally driving and golf where you try and become one with everything around you. The popularity of first person shooter games brings the sport of hunting humans to a whole new light and this game allows you to better immerse yourself into this world.

This might remind you of Call Of Duty and in many respects the game is similar, from loading screens to how you stab with the knife, however this is not a normal First Person Shooter. It focuses on understanding the effect of every shot you make. You must take into account a comprehensive amount of environmental factors such as your heartbeat and the wind. The art of shooting in this game requires patience, practice and precision.

Sniper uses Chrome 4 Engine which is scratchy and blocky up close. However, it creates these amazingly beautiful landscapes from afar which easily allows you to immerse yourself fully into the gameplay. It creates these realistic cliff faces with lush green grass and broken down temples where nature has tried to grow around the ruins. In some parts, I truly believed I was a hidden sniper in an encompassing jungle as I went through the campaign.

The environment in multiplayer allows you to camouflage in seamlessly so that even human eyes have trouble finding you. This makes multiplayer a very tense and exciting game. I can see this will be a very cool game to play with friends, surprising them from corners and predicting where they would go. This is a psychological battle and even if you can find someone hiding in the corner, can you be clutch and take the killer shot? Bad sides: it is very laggy online and there is not a big community of players.

I was very disappointed to find out that the plot is completely fictional. I would have liked to have played as one of the many epic snipers of history such as Simo Hayha or Lyudmila Pavlichenko. I made do with a plot that is basically 'be a sniper and snipe things' and focused on gameplay.

I remember a time when the gaming community would come together and talk about all the cool bugs they found in popular games like Tomb Raider. These bugs were quaint and we never looked down on the programmers. The game has completely retro bugs such as invisible walls not letting you get to nice sniping spots. Also, many times have I had low health and no med packs and been surrounded by enemies only for autosave to kick in. After loading and instantly dying several times, the only way to get out of it is to start the mission from the beginning. There are several other bugs for you to find so start looking for them and then complain about them to friends and forums.

This game will never appear on any top 100 list but those who play this game will remember it forever. You will find yourself locked into hour long conversations by accident just talking about the random events that happened when you played it and the enjoyment you got out of it. It is highly replayable and enjoyable and the kill cam which appears when you get a perfect head shot is very cool. This game brings me back to a time when I was a kid and had nothing but dirt in my pockets and all I played was shitty PS1 games and for that trip down nostalgia lane, this game has a special place.

Beauty: 4.5 / 5
Multiplayer: 3 / 5
Replayability: 5 / 5


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