Game Review - Condemned: Criminal Origins

Developers: Monolith Productions
Publisher: Sega
Platforms: Xbox 360
Rating: M
Release Date: 2/12/2005

Good: Thrilling horror | Comprehensive gameplay | Engrossing environments
Bad: Short story | Annoying achievements

Monolith Productions have given us some fantastic games in its lifetime with the most notable game being F.E.A.R. Although F.E.A.R. is a fantastic game, I believe Condemned to be the better beast in both enjoyable gameplay and encompassing plot line. These two immersive and disturbing games send shivers through my spine just thinking about them. Monolith has successfully taken ideas and styles from famous horror films such as The Silence of the Lambs and Se7en. You are Ethan Thomas, voiced by Greg Grunberg, and this is your story.

After a serious of unfortunate events, Ethan becomes a man on the run from the law as he hunts down a serial killer. The killer has a witty and sadistic mind, similar to Hannibal Lecter, and is sure to give you a run for your money. In the totally immersive world of Metro City, you must use your skills as a forensic investigator to find evidence to prove your innocence. This first-person survival horror game provides many cool and useful forensic tools to use and they certainly add to the challenge and mystery of the game. This game will put you both physically and mentally to the test.

Throughout the journey, you will come across a range of weapons which go from rusty old lead pipes to shiny fire axes which you must use to stay alive. You will rip open doors and tear into enemies in a brutal and gruesome way that no other game has come close to. The simple and enjoyable combat system is truly gripping throughout the game. With a whole host of finishing moves you can use when opponents are on their knees, your sanity will be pushed to its very limits. The line of good and evil has never been more blurred as you crack open a hobo’s head using a blood covered crowbar.

Condemned is one of the first games to come out on the Xbox 360 and this has caused a few issues. Due to the advent of achievements, plenty of extra annoying bits are added to the game which have no place. Killing birds and picking up metal pieces allows you to unlock propaganda reports. These reports were obviously added in as achievements and add very little to the plot. The story is also relatively short in comparison to other horror survival games. This may have been caused by problems developing on a new console etc. These issues with the game mean replayability is dramatically reduced. I ended up consciously dismissing achievements as they tended to ruin the style of the game.

Exploration is a key part and you will notice all too well the effort and ingenuity of the developers in trying to create a psychologically thrilling environment as you crawl through subways and darkened rooms with your trusty yet ineffective flashlight. Focus has been put into each and every area so you are constantly engrossed in this adventure. This will have you on the edge of your seat and shock you in too many ways to count.

This terrifying tale will be etched into your now darkened soul. You will not merely play this game but you will live it. Expect vicious hand-to-hand combat, an intense storyline and the slow mental breakdown of Ethan. This is a classic story well told but not for the faint hearted.

Thrill Factor: 10/10
Replayability: 4/10
Gameplay: 10/10


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