Here's the problem - Vegetarians

Before I begin, I would just like to say that I appreciate the diversity that we can create within society. I also respect revolutionists who go against the norm and love to question everything, for example vegetarians. This, however, means that I will judge you almost immediately for your decisions to see how strong willed and opinionated you are.

Now onto the juicy stuff. Seems to me that these vegetarians think that by not eating meat, then no one will kill any animals for them. This is true of course but at what cost? If we were all vegetarians then no one would want to farm animals. Farmers would then have to farm something that people want. Just think of all the cows and pigs that will never be born and never graze and have a happy long life.

This is clearly a supply and demand situation. Consumers want to eat the energy-rich delicious meat of animals, farmers are happy to raise and sell these beautiful animals and animal rights activists are happy at the way they are treated. Cattle nowadays happily live with their family for a long time before they are put to the slaughter.

However, this was not fully true. Chickens and other farm animals were put into terrible conditions which I would not wish upon my worst enemy. Veal, which is baby cattle or calves, has been banned in the EU since 2007 which I fully support. I am grateful for the work that has been put into suppressing and changing the system to make it more humane.

All I am saying is that we must support the morally justified farmers through law and buying their products. This is about bringing the most happiness and life we can give to all farm animals. So the next time you see a vegetarian, shout at them for me.


  1. I agree! I don't like meat, but I eat it >.> (once its covered in sauce so I don't taste it)

    Its fine if you think eating meat is wrong and thus don't but your not helping anyone, your more likely causing damage to yourself. I haven't met one vegy who isn't anemic or needs to take extra vitamins as they just aren't getting enough from there food..

  2. Yeah, you are right. The very few vegetarians I do know, always seem weak and have immune system problems. Meat seems to be pretty vital for us to survive


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