Here's the problem - Fancy Wine Drinkers

We are now living in a world completely linked together. The internet and other such things has given us a vast amount of globalisation. As consumers we have a vast amount of choice and selection at our disposable. If you put the time and effort into a purchase to learn about the market then you are almost guaranteed the best deal for your money whether it be in an online shop or a shop just down the road.

This means that the best companies will be giving you the best value for the quality of product. This does not mean that the most expensive product has the best quality because there are still companies out there who are trying to screw the customer up. These sneaky companies come and go and so do their products but if you try and understand why, then you will have the best chance of getting the best product.

And yet some people out there still spend ridiculous amounts of money on fancy wine, iphones and mercedes-benz. These products do excel in some areas and attributes but the cost shows us the major attribute of these products is fashion. I love to use fashion as a way of self expression but I would not choose fashion over functionality in something that I need to be reliable. A company's logo is supposed to help customers see reliable name brand products. It is not supposed to be used to show other people how rich you are.

So next time you are buying something that you use on a regular basis, something that you actually care about, spend the time to look and learn about other products. Don't buy fancy wine to show other people that you can afford it, buy it because it is what you actually want. I agree that fashion plays a big part in how to show ourselves to other people but that does not mean one product should cost more because it seems fashionable.


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