Here's the problem - Happy People

I really hope that I do not have any anger problems. I think it is more like anger solutions. There are some people out there that are constantly and truly happy. These people do not like to start arguments and would gladly help you out whenever they can. These people really piss me off. If they want to start a new utopia then go ahead, and just like the nazis, they will fail.

I believe the only way you will get someone's true opinion on a matter is to get them angry. Anger gives us an excuse and a mask to show our true selves. If vicious arguments didn't solve things then they would not exist. It can be very frustrating when one person opens themselves up to another and they respond with no opinion and resolve.

You will probably notice that there is two types of happy people: the first is that of people who are happy doing little nothings all day and the second is the happiness you get from reaching a resolution with someone through an argument. The first comes and goes, I would not worry about it but the second you need to fight for with every inch of your soul. I feel like these 'happy people' have an abundant amount of the first but they have no fight in them and so they lack self discovery and passion.

There are many annoying things that cause people pain throughout their day. It is better to release this annoyance immediately and be totally honest about the situation or do something appropriate to this. However 'happy people' seem to think it is better to bottle this emotion up causing themselves even more pain in the long term. These people annoy me and I hope they annoy you to so lets piss them off so they release all that pent-up beautiful anger.


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