
Showing posts from 2009

Here's the problem - IE6

Yes, before you begin reading, this is another rant about Internet Explorer (IE) 6. The experience I have with this browser compels me to write an article about it. The Internet is such a dynamic place that by not having the most up-to-date software you are missing out on the wonders that Web 2.0 can bring and by having one of the most out-of-date browsers is just asking for trouble. Just like others before me, I have worked in helpdesk which means I spent most of my time saying “Is it plugged in?” to customers and staff alike. It was such a relief when I started working as a Web Developer as now I spend most of my time saying “Is your browser Internet Explorer 6?” which is a little more exciting but still very annoying. As a Web Developer, I spend a lot more time maintaining code rather than creating it. Even someone with the best foresight in the world cannot create code which can lead to hassle free maintaining. This usually means I will make a small update to some functionality in...